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Mago de oz

Well... now I am going to explain to you the musical degree of one of my favourites groups. This group is one of my favourites because they combine classic instruments with modern instruments like the drums and the electric guitars.

This group is Mago de Oz.
His degree began in 1993, and the began to play rock and blues, also folk-rock.
This group have a lot of styles of music, it was for this that you can't say that they practise only one tipe of music.
In the begginning they have other singer, this singer it was Juanma. Today the singer of this group was José Adndrea. This singer also have other individual group.
The members of this gruop are: Txus di fellatio, this is one of the most importants members of the group, because it was the founder, and the drumer and the best compositor of songs that I know in this world, they not only compose for his group duty that he compose to other bands.
Others members are: Jorge Salan and Carlitos, they are the guitars of the band; Mohammed in the violin and the chorus; Fernando Ponce de León, he it was the flautist; "Kiksilla" he is the pianist and also he plays the accordion. "Peri" he plays the electric bass and the last member of the group is Patricia Tapia, She is the second singer of the band.

The band have more of 10 albums but my favourite album of this band is Gaia and her most popular song is "Fiesta Pagana".


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